hold on boss almost done with this graph

Q3 in Review

November 13, 2019

As it is commonly known, one of the primary objectives of this website, benkbrady.com, is to promote my viral twitter account @ExtremeChillGuy. In this report I lay out how the account fared through Quarter 3 of this fiscal year, detailing highs, lows, fun ExtremeChillGuy trivia, and everything in between. 


What is a prophet without his followers? A hack.

The @ExtremeChillGuy Project went live in early July

We can see from this chart that I had an increase of ∞% (0 to 10 followers) in July. This was truly an exciting month for this project, as there was an immediate surge of followers and likes, leading us here at the @ExtremeChillGuy Project (@ExP) to believe that we had truly stumbled on something genius: a voice unique in its cutting political quips and overall hilarity.

It’s not what you think… It’s Ellen Degeneres’ TV channel.

Since this initial surge in followers, things have slowed down considerably. Because this report is coming out a month into Q4, we have the special privilege of peeking ahead to see how this quarter is faring so far in terms of followers.

It looks to me like the @ExP gained no (zero) followers during October. That’s weird.

This may seem like cause for concern, but I would like to, early on in this report, identify the solution that we here at the @ExP believe will take Amanda Hugandkiss to the moon (think 1,000,000 followers by this time next year!) Introducing the:

The Amanda Hugandkiss Referral Rewards Program

What’s the hardest thing to do that you can think of? It’s talking to other people about Twitter accounts that you like (which is what really makes the @Exp such a difficult, yet noble mission). People are seldom comfortable talking with other people about Twitter accounts, so we believe that encouraging this discourse through a referral rewards program will allow others to step out of their shells of anxiety and promote the good word!

What’s “Up Ben”?

Here’s how it works. There is nothing wrong with my tweets (as will be shown in detail in later graphics). As we speak, within the heavily guarded Viral Tweet Vault, located in the unreachable subterranean basement located under the @ExP Industry Towers, there lies over 3 million viral tweets ready for the real world. So there is nothing wrong with the quantity of my tweets. 

(Imagine a huge, Ocean’s 11-size bank vault, with all of my viral tweets written down on loose slips of paper torn out of notebooks. Just millions and millions of these little viral tweet scraps stacked up like towers of money (which is really what a viral tweet is if you think about it. A tower of money, that is) just waiting for the tweet clerk to come in and grab a handful to bring upstairs to the front office of @Exp) Here are your viral tweets for today, sir. Ah, yes, thank you, please put them down there on my desk, so that I can muse over their hilarity before I tweet them all at 5:30PM: The best time to get Likes and Retweets on viral tweets. Of course, sir.

In fact! I’ve got too many tweets! So here’s what I’m willing to do. I am willing to give these tweets to YOU! Wealth redistribution.

For every follower that you lead to @ExtremeChillGuy, both you AND the referral will receive three Certified Viral tweets. How sweet is that?

I don’t get why this one is funny…

Once you have wrangled a new follower for the cause, just send me a private message with the code “HereForViralTweets3” followed by the name of the follower that you led to me. After I confirm that I have this new follower I will personally send three viral tweets to both you and your referral. How sweet is that?

Get to it, folks!

Likes, Retweets, and Tweets

Total Likes, similar to the trend we saw with overall followers, started strong and then really dropped as Q3 went on.

I guess people just liked me less at the end of Q3

Retweets were very bleak through Q3. I am not sure what the issue is with my followers, but for some reason they have it in their heads that my tweets are just for them. When you go to the museum and you see the Nighthawks or A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte paintings you go online and you post pictures of those paintings so that your friends can enjoy them too! When you watch the new Jim Gaffigan special and he makes you laugh (“did he say ‘bacon’? Oh, I looove bacon!”), you go online and you post that video so that your friends can see it and laugh too! Same principles apply here. I am steaming right now. If you laugh you retweet. Period.

What the hell is going on here!

There is good news in all of this, though. Regardless of my Like and Retweet numbers my overall number of tweets was down. This can be highlighted by my employment status during these months.

It says “Unemployed” but creating viral tweets is definitely a full time job. Trust me.

So, understandably overall numbers on Likes and Retweets were down, because I was tweeting less. So how was my average likes per Tweet? Consistent.

This is just Number Crunching. I did not actually get 0.36 likes on tweets in September!

This is awesome. My tweets have continued to resonate at a 2.32 average likes per tweet pace since the creation of the @ExP. This means through September, as I had 16 followers through the entire month, each of my tweets was getting Liked by around 15% of my followers. Those are baller numbers. To put this in perspective:

Taking a small sample size from famous tweeter Brandon Wardell (I extracted similar statistics from @BRANDONWARDELL as the ones I presented for my own tweets) I was able to draw several conclusions:

  • We will say that BW had 600K followers through September
  • He tweeted 13 times for a total of 73.5K likes (around 5.6K likes per tweet on average)
  • Per tweet, around 0.9% of comedian and online viral rockstar, Brandon Wardell’s, followers like his tweets

This means that I have 1,566% more follower loyalty and consistency than BW, indicating that I am Liked more than Brandon Wardell. No disrepect. I have to pay my respects to one of the greats that paved the way for tweeters like me. Keep tweeting, brother.


So as you can see, things got a little stagnant at the end of Q3, but the follower loyalty is there. I would much rather have loyal Likers than unfaithful, follower-fluffer bots. Once the Amanda Hugandkiss Referral Rewards Program starts luring in follower greedy for viral tweets the @ExP will be cranking out Likes and Retweets like never before. Run with us!