No longer blue

May 1, 2020

An overwhelming number of my readers have been sending me emails lately asking me how I am doing now that I no longer work at Best Buy headquarters. Physically I am stronger than ever. Emotionally and spiritually I am like a box with nothing inside of it. Empty. 

I have found an outlet for this emptiness, though.

While I was at Best Buy I worked with a man named Mano BJ (“Mano” which means hand in Spanish and “BJ” which means well you know aha we are all adults here please but you know. So sort of a confusing mix of words for a name I always thought.) used to share beautiful, romantic, and sometimes very personal poems written in French with me. I felt inspired, so I decided to add a much-needed twist to the boring realm of poetry by writing poems solely about my experiences and emotions around working at Best Buy.

Below you will find a small selection of my personal Best Buy poems. This is from my poetry collection entitled “Best Buy Poems”. Please enjoy and make sure to revisit this site frequently so that I can start generating ad revenue.

First Day
I clip on my badge —
Buttoned polo up to my throat
Is this a dream?
So it would seem…

Sandy’s Place
Sandy’s Place is the name of the cafeteria area
On Best Buy campus
“Are we going to Sandy’s Place?”
“Should I meet you are Sandy’s Place?”
“I saved you a seat at our table in the ‘San Francisco’ zone of Sandy’s Place. Do you see me? I am standing up and waving. See me?”

I undo the top button
Put my slacks on the shelf
the blue-poled snake

Bluepolo soldja
I remember the blue polo days
…when I was blue
But now I am green
…and I smoke the green
…and I listen to Bob Marley
…and I know everythin gon be irey

Something about this lima bean-shaped Shakespeare clip art is making me extremely hrony. But that is the power of the poet’s quill as they say…