How to be famous online guide (viral)

Jan. 26, 2019

Alot of people have commented on this page of my blog. The ‘News’ section. People see the content being posted here and are concerned that it is not News in a traditional sense. It is not a traditional ‘News’ page on a blog. (I could say ‘yea but is this a traditional blog?!?’, but I want it to be a traditional blog. All indie boys want to date an art girl with a lot of tweets and big clonkers, but really the best choice is to marry a normie.) If everyone believes that it will be a better move for me to post about ‘Traditional News’ in the most traditional sense, then I will. I am nothing if not a man of the people! More than anything else, though, my dream is to be famous.

There are two roads to fame:

  • Being super traditional and hot
    • Then it does not matter what you post
  • Being crazy as all hell!
    • Then it matters what you post

Welp, I think one of those choices is the most obvious choice and I am stickin’ to it.

Roommate snapped this candid of me working on this News post. Make sure to sign up for the News letter 🙂