Nov. 10, 2019
My roommate and I tried to buy a couch from this guy Pete on Craiglist. It was heavy as shit and we marked up the walls and the floors and stuff that Pete had on the ground and almost broke his lamp trying to get it outside and he had to take three doors off their hinges and then help us carry it out to my friend’s Prius. And then we realized it didn’t fit in the car, so we said Sorry Pete, can we have our money back. Oh geez sure, he said, can you help me carry this couch to the dumpster. Haha OK, sorry man.
During my unemployment stint (duration: forever) I am going to Craiglist furniture catfish. Go into different Petes’ houses and wreck their stuff and then leave. Nice lamp, ope, did I just break your vase. Is that a picture of your daughter? Ope, sorry.
Share your thoughts on Craiglist, please?