6th Annual Rush Day

August 31, 2020

Rush day is a very important day. Much like the Purge (all crime is legal for 24 hours), Rush Day allows our fine citizens to expel their prog-rock demons (all time signatures are legal). It is the annual event where we all have to listen to Rush, at least for one song, for one day. I’ll tell you it gets harder and harder every year. The human brain is not wired to listen to a song in 5/4. I set aside songs that take no thought and no concentration (non-Rush songs, obviously) for a little treat later in the day to refresh my brain.

I googled “Oldest human song”, and while I’m not going to listen to it, I can guarantee that it is in 4/4: the human time signature.

Damn… this melody IS old!

Much like how all humans have liked salt forever (“the world’s oldest flavor”), all humans can immediately and instinctively connect with a song in 4/4. Or maybe it’s 3/4 lmao I cannot remember. 

Tarot Cards for Men: Symbolically, the whole course of my life can be read in these four bars of YYZ.  

[I do sincerely believe that everyone benefits from Rush Day (formerly Week lol) because, firstly, everyone gets to listen to Rush, and secondly, everyone might get a small sense of doing me a favor — which is the best feeling alive (after the male orgasm). Though, don’t think that I feel patronized! It is a fair exchange of goods, because I get to know my friends are doing me favors (or are just maniac RushHeads like me), and in return I get to know that they are listening to Rush — which is extremely funny to me.

“Listen to Rush today.”


Commissioner Brady declares: “Rush Day gets prog-rock-sively better each year!”

Thank you to everyone who participated in another record-breaking Rush Day!

Do you have any questions about Rush Day? Just email benkbradywebsite@gmail.com

Reminder that the 7th annual Rush Day has been scheduled for August, 31st 2021.

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